TRUNK Tree status - 2002-05-14
Jean-Jacques Enser
2002-05-14 16:40:54 UTC
MacOSX completed and passed smoketests
Win32 finished and is being tested now
MacOS9 and Linux are spinning after early morning build failed.
J.J. Enser <***@netscape.com>
CPD Release Engineering
Netscape Communications
Jean-Jacques Enser
2002-05-14 17:44:56 UTC
Linux & MacOSX completed and PASSED smoketests
Win32 & MacOS9 builds completed. Smoketests in progress.

ETA ~ 11:45am
J.J. Enser <***@netscape.com>
CPD Release Engineering
Netscape Communications
Jean-Jacques Enser
2002-05-14 20:11:26 UTC
Win32 PASSED smoketests.

It's 1:15 and I'm going to open the trunk without OS9 smoketest today
(OSX passed earlier and we have a resource shortage today).
J.J. Enser <***@netscape.com>
CPD Release Engineering
Netscape Communications